What is an effective recruitment and selection process?

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The recruitment consists of a series of actions on time, at the time that arises demand, to find a group of candidates that initially fit the profile required. However, recruitment is not an isolated act, if it were, the effort and investment in time and money would be much higher than the results obtained. In now days where tachnology advancement is available to save time in finding a good resource.


  • The curriculum file.
  • The offer of the job application form for candidates who come spontaneously. An increasingly convenient practice to obtain information ordered and adapted to our selection needs.
  • Maintain relationships with schools such as Universities and other institutions that collaborate offering candidates from their job boards.
  • They should also keep informed about qualitative and quantitative changes in the labor market.

A process that must be continuous, of attraction and search of candidates according to personnel needs, present or planned, which is conditioned by the labor market.


  1. Labor market research.
  2. List of the type of personnel sought.
  3. Execution of the recruitment itself:
    1. Geographic area that will cover (regional, national, etc.)
    2. Who will be responsible for carrying it out?
    3. Means, sources and resources to use.


  • The promotion: An employee who has obtained a positive assessment of their performance is moved vertically within the organization.
  • The rotation: An employee is moved horizontally within the company.


  • Information about the need to fill a position is more easily disseminated.
  • The expectations of the candidates correspond to the reality since they know the company and it is more difficult to be disappointed.
  • Candidates have more and better chances of knowing the requirements of the position and therefore to know if they fit or not.
  • Candidates who present themselves are generally very close to the vacant position, since the possibility of rejection can affect them more in the same company in which they work than if they were presented to an unknown company.
  • They suppose a smaller expense, as much in time as in money, with respect to other sources of recruitment.
  • It takes advantage of the investments made in the training of personnel for its improvement.
  • When practiced objectively, it supposes a promotion of the desire to excel by developing an adequate spirit of competitiveness.
  • Increase the motivation of workers.

In order to give seriousness and rigor to this process, it is convenient to be objective at all times and rely on results of evaluation of the internal candidates of the company.


Once the need arises, and no valid candidates have been found within the organization or following the company’s own selection policy, it is decided to look for the necessary personnel to fill the vacant positions.

  • In the election of one or several sources of recruitment we should consider:
  • The type of personnel needs.
  • The location of potential candidates.
  • Times in which the entire recruitment process must be carried out.
  • Salaries and other advantages offered.
  • Cost of the source of recruitment and its quality.
  • Speed ​​of the source according to the time available.
  • In addition, we must consider the results after the use of each source. These are determined by the number of candidates presented.


  1. Database: It supposes the file of the curriculums and applications of the candidates that have been presented spontaneously in the company. It allows an easy and quick consultation of the candidates’ data.
  2. Notices on the bulletin board, on the website or intranet of the company: It is a low cost source.
  3. Presentation of candidates by the employees of the company: It is a quick and low-cost source since it is a good tactic for companies to encourage and encourage their employees to recommend it to potential candidates.
  4. Contacts with unions: It is a low cost source that usually combines with other sources.
  5. Training centers: They usually have job exchanges for students who have recently completed their studies.
  6. SEPE: This is a source that is characterized mainly by its zero cost and by having extensive databases on candidates with a common characteristic, being available at the same time they are requested because they are unemployed.
  7. Temporary Employment Companies: While using external sources of recruitment, they themselves constitute an external source. It is a fast and efficient service in which the company must assess the cost involved.
  8. Contacts with other companies that belong to the same sector or have similar needs: Cooperation with other companies gives us a greater scope of action.
  9. Companies of the competition: It is used, almost exclusively, for the recruitment of managers.
  10. Internet: The use of job portals on the internet is a reality today.
  11. Advertisements in press: Currently in disuse, due to the lack of agility in the publication of candidatures and the high cost involved.

It is important to consider the possible habits of the group of candidates we want to address. It is important to point out that, in some cases, depending on the urgency and the labor market, we will need to use several of these sources since they are not mutually exclusive.

With technology, remote work has become a popular option today instead of the the traditional office space. Here is a 9-step recruitment process documentation from our friends over at TimeDoctor to help you hire the best talent from anywhere in the world.

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